Data Dimensions are the building blocks of all Data Views. Data Dimensions are derived from the data fields loaded from your case management system into your FutureWorks site. Most data dimensions are derived from data fields defined from the USDOL PIRL data specification for WIOA data. Some data dimensions are derived from supplemental data provided to your FutureWorks site.
This resource helps you understand the data dimensions available to you for constructing your own data views and filtering data. It defines each data dimension, showing you the name of the dimension, the members within each dimension, the PIRL specification number, PIRL name, PIRL definition for how the data must be collected in the case management system and the codes for the data that is to be entered.
- PIRL Number: The field number for the data element in the USDOL PIRL data file specification
- Dimension Name:The FutureWorks dimension name
- Dimension Member:The dimension members represent a particular data value for a data field
- PIRL Name:The name of the data element in the USDOL PIRL data file specification
- PIRL Definition:The definition of the data element - what data is entered into this data field?
- Code Value:The values that can be entered into the data field
Does this data element apply to the following funding streams? (0 = NO, 1 = YES)
- Reportable Individual
- Title I Adult
- Title I DW (Dislocated Worker)
- Title I Youth
- Title III Wagner-Peyser
- Other Titles